One very important part of our day will be Daily Reading. Daily Reading is a literacy structure that teaches
independence and gives children the skills needed to create a lifetime love of
reading and writing. It consists of several tasks that are introduced individually.
When introduced to each task, the children will discuss what it looks like,
sounds like, and feels like to engage in each task independently. Then, the
children work on building their stamina until they are successful at being
independent while doing each task.
Read to Self
Students will have a book box full of "good fit" books that they will read independently each day. We are learning that the more time we spend reading, the better readers we will become.
Work on Writing
Students will work on writing strategies that we are learning in class. Each student will have a monthly journal and they will also have the opportunity to write books, letters, lists, cards, and stories.
Word Work
Students will practice our weekly sight words, word families, letter teams and more through hands-on activities and technology during word work time. They will work on individual Reading and Writing Goals during this time as well.
Listen to Reading
Students will have the opportunity to listen to good, fluent reading. They will use CD players, ipads, and computers to listen to stories read to them aloud.
Reading Technology
Students will work on computers and ipads. They will have the opportunity to read online and explore various learning apps.
When all of these tasks have been introduced and the children are fully engaged in reading and writing, I am able to work with small groups of students and confer one-on-one. This structure is effective, the results are amazing, and the children look forward to our Daily Reading time every day.
One thing you may notice is a decrease in the number of worksheets your child brings home. Although worksheets keep students busy, they don’t result in the high level of learning that we want for your child.
I encourage you to ask your child about Daily Reading and see what they have to say. I anticipate your child will tell you about the class stamina we are building and how we are working towards independence. Once we get underway, you may hear about some of the fantastic things your child has written, read, or listened to during our Daily Reading time or about the new fun app we have introduced on our class ipads.
It will take us about 6 weeks to introduce Daily Reading and establish our classroom routines, but I promise that the results are well worth it! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about Daily Reading. Thank you for your support!
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