The class had so much fun tasting apples on Friday. Check out our pictures on ParentSquare! This Friday, we will be making apple pie as we continue our study on apples. You can sign up on ParentSquare to bring items for this event. Thank you so much! We could not do it without you!
Thank you to the families that attended our Parent Workshop. I really appreciate you taking the time to join us in the classroom and I hope that it was informational and helpful. :) If you were not able to join us, please continue to watch our weekly videos that we post on ParentSquare - each week, we will go over a different strategy or different way to help your child at home.
I placed our first class Scholastic Book Order today! Thank you so much for ordering books for your kiddos. These books will arrive in a few short weeks.
Our very first kindergarten field trip is coming up! Mrs. Stanley's and Mrs. Bess's classes will be going to Willowbrook Apple Farm in Oak Glen on Wednesday, September 18th. We will be leaving school by bus around 8:45 for our 9:30 apple farm tour. During this tour, our students will have the opportunity to enjoy a tractor ride through the apple orchard, feed and pet the farm animals, visit the honey bee house, learn about the life cycle of an apple, and we will be pressing our own apple cider. At the end of our tour, students will get their very own caramel apple to take home and we will all enjoy snack together at the picnic tables, then be back to school in time for dismissal and electives. All of our field trips are paid for through your generous donations to our school's Dollar a Day website. We are asking for a donation of $15 for this first field trip. Here is the link to donate: Dollar A Day Link Unfortunately, if we do not receive the funding, we will not be able to go on any other field trips this year. If you would like to chaperone, we would love to have you! Chaperones can either ride the bus with the students or drive separately. If you would like to chaperone, please let me know by email. Chaperones will need to pay an additional $12 in cash to your child's teacher. Unfortunately, siblings and little ones are not welcome on the field trip due to the safety of our kindergarten students. A permission slip will be coming home soon for our field trip, so make sure you fill that out and return it to your child's teacher. We are looking forward to a great field trip together!
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: YOU, AND, IT FRIEND.
Letter Team: WH (like in what and whistle).
Word Family: AT - like in bat, cat, rat, sat, fat, etc.
Reading: We will continue to read books about apples and Johnny Appleseed. Students will continue to read little books in class that include sight words and letter teams. Some of these little books came home on Friday. Please keep them inside your special home book box that you shared those first weeks of school and practice reading them every day! More paper books will be coming home throughout the year - if they have a big star or stamp on them, that means your child has read it for me fluently and they can now keep them at home! We are reading a new class book this week titled, "The Apple Tree". We will learn all about the life cycle of an apple as we practice reading our sight words of the week.
Writing: We will continue to work on our writing each day. We will also learn a poem this week that will help us with our penmanship: Some letters are tall, some letters are small, and some letters fall. Please reinforce neat penmanship when writing at home, reminding your children to write within the lines and always start at the top!
Math: This week, we will continue learning our 3D shapes - cone, cube, sphere, pyramid, cylinder, and rectangular prism. We will learn to describe 3D shapes by their faces and vertices. We will also continue to practice number identification, number writing, days of the week, months of the year, shapes, and counting on/"Popcorn Counting".
Leadership: For the month of September, our whole school will be focusing on the first R of ROAR: Respect. We will discuss ways that we can respect ourselves, others, and our school.
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