We had so much fun making apple pies! Thank you for all of your donations and a special thank you to all of our fabulous parent helpers
for ALL of your help making our pies! It would not have happened without you! This week we will finish our unit on apples by making applesauce together! YAY!
Thank you to the families that attended our Parent Workshop last week. I really appreciate you taking the time to join us in the classroom and I hope that it was informational and helpful. :) If you were not able to join us, please continue to watch our weekly videos that we post on ParentSquare - each week, we will go over a different strategy or different way to help your child at home.
We will begin Book Bags this week. We will also have our September Turn-in Project due for homework on Friday. Please read our Homework post for more information on both of these.
We are getting excited about our field trip on Tuesday, October 3rd to Los Rios Ranch in Oak Glenn. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to chaperone - if you have volunteered or would still like to volunteer, please email me to let me know and we will need your $7 cash admission fee BY FRIDAY. If you haven’t yet turned in your $7 to chaperone, please do so ASAP. We need to get our head count to Los Rios Ranch. The chaperone money is paid directly to your class teacher and NOT to dollar a day. You may pay me directly at dismissal, but the best way is to put your $7 into an envelope and send it to school in your child's folder. Thank you! We are so excited to have so many wonderful chaperones joining us.
Also please do not forget to donate towards the field trip under Dollar A Day! Here is the link: Dollar A Day. For this field trip, we are asking for a $20 donation and unfortunately, we are unable to go without the proper funds. Thank you so much for your support!
I am excited to announce our room mom for the year, Elaine Chronopoulos!
Elaine is Nasia's mommy and will be our room mom this year. She will be sending monthly ParentSquare updates, as well as helping in the classroom with Friday centers, and special events/parties we will have throughout the year. Her contact information is: 312-719-7196 and elenee76@yahoo.com. I will also put her contact information in the "Room Parent" tab of our website for future reference.
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: COME, AT, SAID.
Letter Team: CE/CI (we are learning that the letter C can make a soft sound when it is followed by an E or I like in "cent" and "city").
Word Family: -IN. Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word family -in (bin, fin, tin, etc.)
Reading: This week we will learn what "quotations" are. We will read a big book together every day about our silly monster friends and use "quotations" when they say something. We will continue to read books about apples and Johnny Appleseed and finish our author study on Mo Willems. Students will continue to read little books in class that include sight words and letter teams. Please keep practicing them at home! We will also begin Book Bags this week. Please see the Homework tab for more information.
Writing: Last week, we learned three of our writing goals: using a two finger space, using an uppercase at the beginning of a sentence and a name and I, and using proper punctuation at the end of the sentence. This week, we will learn three new writing goals: spelling our sight words correctly in our writing, writing complete sentences, and writing three sentences on the same topic. Please continue to work with your child on writing every night, reinforcing these strategies at home.
Math: The students have been working hard on counting goals, number writing goals, number ID goals, and shapes. We will continue to work on these every day this week. You may have heard your child use the word SUBITIZE. This is knowing how many without having to count. We are working on subitizing with various tens frame and dice games this week.
Leadership: For the month of September, our whole school will be focusing on the first R of ROAR: Respect. We will discuss ways that we can respect ourselves, others, and our school.
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