May 9 - 13
Thank you SO VERY MUCH for a wonderful week of notes,
flowers, candies, snacks, gifts and appreciation! I am so overwhelmed and
touched by your generosity. I feel like the luckiest teacher in the world! Thank
you again! :)
We enjoyed honoring our mothers on Friday at our Mother’s Day Celebration. Thank you for joining us for this very special day. I hope all of you wonderful mothers enjoyed your day and had a lovely Mother's Day weekend.
The kids did a fantastic job sharing their community service projects! It is wonderful to see the caring and giving our young students are participating in. Thank you parents for all of your support!!
We now have 3 butterflies!! Only 2 of our caterpillars are still in a chrysalis. We are very excited to watch them come out as butterflies!
Save the Date: We will have a last day of school KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM CELEBRATION on Wednesday, June 8th at 11:00. You will not want to miss this! Please mark your calendar and plan on joining us at the end of the day.
Upcoming Events:
Monday, May 30: No School
Tuesday, May 31: MRS. BESS RETURNS!! :-)
Tuesday, June 7: End of the Year Field Day (more info to come!)
Wednesday, June 8: Last Day of Kindergarten Celebration
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: HIS, HER, HAD, GET, THESE.
You will still find the Sight Word Fluency Pages for all three trimesters in your child’s book bag this week. Please help your child work on all of the sight words learned this year. End of the year assessments will be taking place in a few weeks!
Letter Team: Keep reviewing all of your letter teams learned in kindergarten! You will still find a Letter Team Review Fluency page in your child’s book bag this week. Please work on this fluency page. End of the year assessments will be taking place in a few weeks!
Reading: This week, we will read books all about plants. We will learn the parts of plants and what plants need to live. You will find the Parts of Plants fluency practice in your child’s book bag this week. Please make sure your child brings this to school in their bag every day.
Writing: We will be writing about plants this week.
Math: We are working on so many fun math games that are helping us with our addition, subtraction, and decomposing.
Leadership: Our leadership
theme is Responsibility.
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