April 4 - April 8
Welcome back to school! I hope you had a wonderful spring break!
there is no school on Monday, April 4th. I am looking forward to seeing
everyone on Tuesday!
field trip to the Children’s Discovery Museum of the Desert in Rancho Mirage is
coming up on Tuesday, April 12th and it is sure to be an exciting “hands on”
experience. We will be leaving school at 8:15 and returning at approximately
1:00. Mark your calendars and adjust schedules for the late pick up on this day
and please note that your child will be missing any electives they may have on
this day. We will be eating our “sack” lunches at
the museum following the tour. On this day, please pack your child a lunch in a
paper bag. No lunch boxes please. Chaperones will be riding on the bus with our classes
and need to pay a small fee at the Museum door (Approximately $5.00) Please
remember that school policy states NO SIBLINGS. Thanks! We are looking forward to a wonderful field
Please visit Dollar a Day to help cover the cost for your child to attend our field trip.
Dollar a Day
Permission slips for our field trip were sent home before break. If you haven’t returned yours please sign and return the permission slips by Wednesday. Please remember to fill out BOTH sides of the permission slip. I will be sending a new one home with your child on Tuesday if we have not received yours yet. Thank you for your support!
Success Academy will begin again on Tuesday. I would like to extend the Success Academy end time from 1:00 to 1:15 for the last trimester. Please pick your student up from the classroom at 1:15 Monday through Thursday. Please note, there will be no success academy on Tuesday, April 12th due to our field trip. Thank you!
Save The Date: We will be having a
Mother's Day celebration on Friday, May 6 from 11:00-12:30. More information to
come. I wanted to let you know early in case you need to take the time off work
or find childcare for little ones. The School Childcare fills up quickly on this
day and is on a first come first serve basis. If you have alternative childcare
this is a good day to use it. Please understand that our classroom will be VERY
CROWDED on this day! It is a special celebration for moms and their Kindergarten student. For this reason we are unable to accommodate siblings in
the classroom on this day. Thank you in advance for your understanding. This
is SUCH a special celebration and we hope all of you mommies are able to make
The due date for the Community Service Projects has been set for our class: Presentations will be due the week of May 2 - 5. Presentations in the past have included: poster boards, journals, slideshows, books, and pictures documenting your 6-8 hours of community service. Please visit our Community Service tab if you have any questions. Students will be presenting their projects in class Monday through Thursday of this week. Please make sure projects are turned in by THURSDAY, May 5th. Thank you!
Upcoming Events:
April 12 - Field Trip to the Children’s Discovery Museum of the Desert
April 22 - No School
May 2 - Community Service projects are due this week. Please turn projects in by THURSDAY, May 5th.
May 6 - Mother’s Day Celebration in the classroom 11:00 - 12:30
Are We Learning This Week?:
Letter Team: EIGH (sounding like "a" like in EIGHT and NEIGHBOR).
Reading: We will read books about frogs as we learn the life cycle of a tadpole.
Writing: We are writing stories about tadpoles and frogs this week. Students will also have time to write their own books, cards, and letters during our free "Work on Writing" time. Students will also be learning and writing about responsibility.
Math: We will continue to work on our Daily Math Practice sheets, math stories, our fluency through 5, composing and decomposing, and ways to make 10 and addition and subtraction.
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