The class had so much fun tasting apples on Friday. This Friday, we will be making apple pie as we continue our study on apples. Thank you for signing up on ParentSquare to bring supplies! We could not do it without you!
My family and I will be finding out our baby's gender this weekend. To make it a fun Monday, I thought the kiddos could wear pink if they think it will be a girl or blue if they think it will be a boy. I am so excited to share such special news with my kindergarten friends!
Electives will begin Monday! If your child is participating in an elective, you may send a lunch to school with him/her on that elective day and lunch supervision will be provided for your children. Kindergarten electives are from 12:50-1:20 and the elective teachers will dismiss your children at 1:20 on the ramp. Please be aware that some electives may last until 1:30, depending on the elective.
Thank you so much for donations of headphones in the classroom and also for your Amazon gift card donations. Because of your generosity, I was able to purchase two used iPads for the classroom!! The students and I truly appreciate it! :)
We are so excited to announce that our first field trip is planned! We will be going to Los Rios Ranch in Oak Glenn on Tuesday, October 13th. We will be leaving school by bus at approximately 8:30 in the morning and returning around dismissal at 12:30. The students will get to meet Johnny Appleseed, tour the apple orchards, and even make our very own apple cider! In order for our kindergarten classes to go on this field trip (and all future field trips this year), we are asking for donations to be made to our Dollar A Day program through the school. For this field trip, we are asking for a generous donation of $20 per student. This will help cover the cost of the apple farm, the bus, and the very special kindergarten field trip t-shirt that your child will wear on all field trips this year. Unfortunately, if our kindergarten team does not receive donations, we will not be able to go on this wonderful field trip :( We are also looking for volunteers to join us and chaperone our field trip. The cost for chaperones is also $7. If you are interested in chaperoning for our field trip on this day, please email your teacher directly. The $7 chaperone fee needs to be paid in cash directly to your child's teacher, not through Dollar a Day. On Friday, September 25th, we will need to give our final head count to Los Rios Ranch, so if you would like to chaperone, please let your teacher know by then. We apologize for any inconvenience, but siblings and little ones are not allowed on this field trip due to the safety of our kindergarten students you will be chaperoning. Also, be on the look-out for the field trip permission slip that will be coming home in your child's Take Home Folder as we get closer to our field trip. We are so excited for this excellent field trip with your children!
Please do not forget to donate towards the field trip under Dollar A Day! Here is the link: Dollar A Day. We will be using Dollar A Day monies for ALL field trips. Thank you so much for your support!
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: YOU, AND, IT FRIEND.
Letter Team: WH (like in what and whistle).
Word Family: AT - like in bat, cat, rat, sat, fat, etc.
Reading: We will continue to read books about apples and Johnny Appleseed. We will also read lots of funny books by Mo Willems. Students will continue to read little books in class that include sight words and letter teams. Many of these little books came home on Friday with a star. As students practice reading fluently, these books will continue to come home. Please keep practicing them at home!
Writing: We are writing a big book together about the life cycle of an apple using sight words we have learned so far. We will be studying how an apple grows, from seed to tree to blossom to apple. We will also learn a poem this week that will help us with our penmanship: Some letters are tall, some letters are small, and some letters fall. Please reinforce neat penmanship when writing at home, reminding your children to write within the lines and always start at the top!
Math: This week we will learn all of our 3D shapes. We will begin counting by fives and tens. We will continue to practice number identification, number writing, days of the week, months of the year, shapes, and counting on/"Popcorn Counting".
Leadership: This month and throughout September, our theme is "GRIT". We are teaching that grit is perseverance and passion for long-term goals.
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