Happy Autumn!
This Friday is our Lion's Fest! It will be located at CSC from 3:00-7:00. Our kindergarten classes will be working the Sponge Ball Hoop Shoot. Fun! Thank you to the parents who signed up to help on Parent Square. This is sure to be a fun-filled event!
We are getting excited about our field trip on Tuesday, October 13th to Los Rios Ranch in Oak Glenn. Please do not forget to donate towards the field trip under Dollar A Day! Here is the link: Dollar A Day. For this field trip, we are asking for a $20 donation and unfortunately, we are unable to go without the proper funds. Thank you so much for your support!
If you are at the store and happen to think of us, our classroom would love:
Gallon Ziplocs
Halloween or Fall stickers and trinkets
Treasure Box Prizes
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: TAKE, AN, BECAUSE, UP.
Letter Team: OW/OU (like in COW, FLOWER/OUCH, HOUSE) and the long OW sound (like in YELLOW SNOW).
Word Family: -AN. Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word family -an (can, man, pan, etc.)
Reading: This week, we will begin reading books about Autumn and leaves. We are starting our Kindergarten Book Bags this week. Your child will be bringing home a special book bag on Monday. The book or books in your child's book bag will be books we are working on together in reading groups and/or books self-selected by your child. Some students are working on mastering the little paper books we have made in class together and may choose to take one of those home to practice. Some students are working on books from our classroom library. Book Bags (and books) are to be brought back and forth, home to school, every day. Book bags are also an ESSENTIAL part of your child's home reading - they should be reading these books EVERY DAY for homework. If your child brings home a paper book with a big star on it, that means they have read that book fluently for me, and the book can now live at home. If you have any questions about our book bags, please do not hesitate to ask! Happy reading!
Writing: This week, we will write a big book together about matter. We will learn that matter is anything that takes up space. This big book will be written using the sight words we have learned so far. We will also learn that when we are writing a word that begins with a vowel, we put "AN" in front of that word - for example, "an elephant" instead of "a elephant" - please reinforce this at home in writing and in speech.
Math: We will continue our fun unit on shapes this week as we explore 3D shapes and tangrams. We will continue working with 2D flat shapes and 3D solid shapes, exploring the number of faces and the vertices of each shape. As always, we will also continue counting, identify, order, write, and count numbers to 30, learn the days of the week, months of the year, how to read and extend patterns, and identify what number comes next.
Leadership: Congratulations to our Leadership Award Winners for GRIT: Ella, Austin, Layla, Ben, and Zachary! I am so proud! We will continue to practice GRIT because it will be our leadership trait for the rest of the trimester!