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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weekly News: January 21-24

I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing three-day weekend with your families! 

Congratulations to Kai! She came in first place for the 
entire kindergarten grade level at our school Spelling Bee on Thursday night! We are so proud of you, Kai! 

We are in need of LOTS AND LOTS of empty Capri Sun boxes!!!! If you have any please send them to school with your child! Thank you very much!!! Note: if you could please open the boxes at the side (not in the middle around the edges) that would really help us out! Thank you! 

We are still in the midst of getting information together about our performance at the Gala this year. The kindergartners will be performing one song (more information soon!) at the ILCS Gala on Friday, February 28 at 5:30 at the National Orange Show Events Center in San Bernardino. If you would like to attend the Gala, tickets can be purchased at our Bryant Street Campus school office or online at www.ilfoundation.org/gala. You do not need to attend the Gala in order for your child to participate in the kindergarten performance.

There has been some concerns and confusion this week about lice in our school. ILCS takes these infestations very seriously. I wanted to share with you some information from our school nurse to educate you more on lice. If you are interested, you may visit the following websites: http://www.licemd.com/head-lice-information-video.phphttp://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/prevent.htmlhttp://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/head/health_professionals/index.html. The most important thing to take away is that lice is most commonly spread through direct head to head contact. It has nothing to do with the cleanliness of our classroom. Remind your child at home to not share hats, brushes, or little bows and hair clips. Research shows that lice cannot be spread through headsets that we use in our classroom. However, it HAS been on our Class Supply List since the beginning of the year that each child bring in his or her own pair of headsets. I ask that if you have any concerns or questions in the future, you call the school office directly. Thank you. 

Upcoming Events:  
Friday, January 31: 100th DAY OF SCHOOL! 
Monday, February 10th: NO SCHOOL!
Friday, February 14th: Valentine's Day 
Monday, February 17th: NO SCHOOL!

If you are at the store and happen to think of us, we'd love.... 
Canon Printer Ink #210 and #211
Gallon Ziploc Bags
Any sort of small {or big} prizes for our class store
Lysol Wipes 

What Are We Learning This Week?:


Letter Team: 
 ANG (like in HANG, SANG) and ANK (like in TANK, BANK). 

This week we are studying and reading about Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights Movement, and equality for all people. 

Writing: We are learning how to write three sentences, starting with a topic sentence. I have been modeling a structure for paragraph writing called, "Step Up to Writing" for the students. Kindergarten Step Up to Writing is writing a paragraph with a topic sentence, three sentences about that topic, and a conclusion sentence. For example, "We had a great day at school today. First, we learned place value in math. Next, we colored snowmen at centers. Last, we read books about Martin Luther King Jr. As you can see, we had a fun time at school." 

Math: This week, we will focus on more than/less than, ways to make ten, and decomposing numbers. You can help at home by asking your child questions like, "If I have 4 apples and I need 10 apples, how many more apples do I need?" or "Grandma has ten dogs. 6 dogs are black. How many dogs are white?"

Leadership: This month, our leadership trait is BOLDNESS. Our kindergarten definition for BOLDNESS is: being brave enough to do what is right even when we are scared. 


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