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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weekly News: October 7-11


The Lion's Fest was a huge success!! Huge shout-out to our wonderful room-mom, Teresa, for all of her hard work making cotton candy and a huge thank you to all of the parents who volunteered! 

Last week, we began sending home fluency passages in our book bags. Please practice this fluency every night and bring the fluency back to school every day in your child's book bag. 

Last week, you received a paper from the school regarding our new "Type to Learn" program. This is a great program that will teach students the basics of typing that they will use in the future for the new up and coming testing. The school is asking that each student K-8 complete 50 lessons during the school year. You are more than welcome to do more lessons and there will be school-wide awards given for those students going above and beyond. Unfortunately, our papers accidentally went out to the wrong students last week, but each student does have a specific username - OOPS! Thank you to those students who have already returned papers with someone else's name. If you do NOT have a username for your child or if you have any questions regarding the Type to Learn program, please email me. Thank you for all of your help and sorry for the mix up!  

Does anyone have a cool black leather jacket that we can borrow this week for a fun project? This can be any size. Please let me know if you do. We appreciate it! 

If you are at the store and happen to think of us, we would love: 

Halloween stickers and prizes 
Canon Ink #210/211

What Are We Learning This Week?: 

Sight Words: 

Letter Team: 
AY (like in PLAY, DAY) and ING (like in SING, RING).

Word Family: 
-AY and -AM. Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with  the word family -ay (for example: BAY, DAY, SAY, MAY, HAY) and -am (SAM, HAM, RAM, SLAM).

This week, we will continue reading books about Autumn and leaves as we discuss our favorite fall activities. We will also be reading books by Laura Numeroff (author of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". In our reading groups, we are practicing many reading strategies, including "Look for the Magic E", "Look for a letter team inside the word" and "Stretch out CVC words making the vowel say it's short sound". You can reinforce these strategies while you are reading at home. Students will continue to practice their self-selected "Good Fit" books as well as their fluency passage of the week. 

This week we will write a big book together about playing. This big book will be written using the sight words we have learned so far. In our journals, we are working on adding details to our writing and writing more than one sentence on the same topic. 

 This week we will play more than/less than games, and learn how to count by tens. We will continue counting money and telling time to the hour, practicing ways to make 5, learning how to identify, order, and count numbers to 30 and write numbers to 10, learning the days of the week, months of the year, shapes, how to read and extend patterns, and identify what number comes next. 

 SENSITIVITY. Our kindergarten definition for sensitivity is: understanding and being aware of other's feelings. The students did a wonderful job sharing ways they can show sensitivity last week! 


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