It is our last week of school before Spring break!! It is also the last week of Winter Electives.
It's Read Across America Week and we are celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday! As part of our Read Across America celebration, we are welcoming guest readers into our classroom throughout the week! We will have guest readers in our class all week long. On Friday, we will be having a fun and relaxing reading day! You may come to school in your PJ's and bring a pillow and book to share! We will also be eating Green Eggs and Ham on Friday! See the Classroom Clipboard if you are able to contribute. Thank you!
No homework and no sharing this week. There will be no new fluency and book bags will NOT be sent home. INSTEAD, we are having a RAZ-KIDS competition!!! The top 3 online readers of the week will receive a special prize on Friday before we go on Spring break!
No homework and no sharing this week. There will be no new fluency and book bags will NOT be sent home. INSTEAD, we are having a RAZ-KIDS competition!!! The top 3 online readers of the week will receive a special prize on Friday before we go on Spring break!
Parent Conference sign-ups are on the Classroom Clipboard. They will be one day over break (Monday, March 5th) and the week we get back from Spring break (March 19-22nd). I look forward to meeting with you again and discussing your child's growth from the past few months!
Spring break is March 5th through March 15th - these two weeks are a great time to work on your community service projects!
Spring break is March 5th through March 15th - these two weeks are a great time to work on your community service projects!
What Are We Learning This Week??:
Sight Words: There will not be any new sight words introduced until after Spring Break. Please take this time to review ALL of our words introduced so far. Remember, sight words are words that your child should recognize instantly. These are not words your child should be sounding out! Please continue to work on these words.
Sight Words: There will not be any new sight words introduced until after Spring Break. Please take this time to review ALL of our words introduced so far. Remember, sight words are words that your child should recognize instantly. These are not words your child should be sounding out! Please continue to work on these words.
Letter Team: There will not be any new letter teams introduced until after Spring Break. Please take this time to review ALL of our letter teams introduced so far. Many children know all of the letter teams, but have a hard time applying them into decoding words. A great idea would be to write words (or make flashcards) with letter teams in them and have your child decode the word for you, applying the letter team.
Reading: This week, we will welcome guest readers, read lots of Dr. Seuss books and read our poem of the week, “Green Eggs and Ham”.
Writing: I am so thrilled with so many friends applying the new "Step Up to Writing" program into their daily classroom writing and weekly homework. We will continue to learn how to write topic sentences, conclusion sentences, learn transition words, and learn how to add details to our writing.
Math: Students will continue working on worksheets at their level. Please continue to work on circled problems that students are missing and reinforcing these concepts at home. Practice your math facts everyday for our Tuesday and Friday Timed Tests!