Don't forget to turn in your granola bars, travel size kleenex and packs of gum for our compassion bags! Thank you for your support!
IMPORTANT! SPIRIT WEEK HAS CHANGED! We will be celebrating Spirit Week beginning NEXT Monday, October 31. Please notice the dress-up days have also changed. Your child can take part by dressing up in the following ways:
Monday, October 31 - Sports Day (wear your favorite sport jersey)
Tuesday, November 1 - School Colors: Blue and Yellow Day
Wednesday, November 2 - Crazy Sock Day
Thursday, November 3 -Crazy Hat Day
Friday, November 4 - Pajama Day
We are investigating pumpkins this week! On Friday, we will be measuring pumpkins and counting seeds. Part of our study will be to pull out the insides of the pumpkin to count the seeds. This is REALLY MESSY - it would be a good idea to send an old button-up shirt for your child to wear over their clothes on this day! If you are able to donate pumpkin items or time on this day, please see the sign-up sheet on our Classroom Clipboard. We appreciate your help!!
It is Kindergarten Assessment Week! We are almost done with our first trimester of kindergarten!! Report cards and parent conferences are coming up mid-November (more information to come!) and we are starting our end of the trimester assessments! Please note that there are so many assessments to give and they are typically administered one-on-one. While we do a majority of assessments in class, we would like to give your child our full attention during his or her assessment. In order to do so, (and in order to keep our normal teaching schedule during the school day), we are requesting that each child stay after school one day this week until 1:00 to complete his or her assessment. You should have received a bright pink note on your GO Folder with your child's day. Please send a lunch on this day and pick up your child from the classroom at 1:00. Thank you so much for your support!
Continue reading your book bag books each night - each book three times each every night! I know this seems like a lot of reading, but with each re-read your child is building word knowledge and fluency. You will see significant growth in your child's reading! Please remember to return the books in the book bag every day!
A HUGE THANK YOU to Mrs. Woodruff from Mrs. Stanley's class for preparing all of our materials the past two weeks at our Friday Prep Parties. If you are able to donate an hour or so to help, she is there every Friday! Don't let those treats go to waste!
Keep practicing our "We Are Leaders" song. It is on our song tab!! Remember that students who have it memorized by December will receive a special prize!
What Are We Learning This Week?:
Sight Words: ARE, LITTLE, BIG, FOR.
Letter Team: IGH (like in BRIGHT, LIGHT, RIGHT) and AR (like in CAR, FAR, JAR).
Word Family: -IG. Please help your child with word families of the week by asking them to create different words with the word family -IG. I am sending home a fun worksheet/activity that you can do at home this week!
Reading: This week, we will focus on a new strategy, "Look for 2 vowels go a-walkin'" (Please see Reading Strategies Tab). This week, we will read books about pumpkins and Halloween and read our special poem of the week, "Five Little Pumpkins".
Writing: This week we will write a big book together about pumpkins. This big book will be written using the sight words we have learned so far. We will continue learning to put spaces between each word, use an uppercase at the beginning of each sentence with lowercase letters throughout the rest of the sentence, and use a period at the end. We are also learning to use our sight words in our sentences and to listen for the sounds in all unknown words using our sound chart.
Math: We will continue addition, geometric shapes, and start focusing on counting by 5's, writing our numbers by 5, and counting nickels. We will continue counting by tens, counting money and telling time to the hour, learning how to identify, order, and count numbers to 30 and write numbers to 10, learning the days of the week, months of the year, shapes, how to read and extend patterns, and identify what number comes next.
Leadership: This month our theme is "compassion". We are learning that compassion is when you want to help someone that needs help or be a friend to someone who needs a friend. We will also learn that we can show compassion to people, to animals, and to our earth.
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