Family Fun Night Luau - Friday, May 20th :)
Our last Kindergarten field trip has been planned! We will be WALKING to AJ Barille's Pizza on Tuesday, May 17th. The kids will get a tour of the kitchen, learn how to make pizza, and even learn how to toss their own pizza dough!! We are asking for ten chaperones to join us on this field trip. If you are interested in chaperoning, please let me know by Friday. I will be giving first priority to those parents that have NOT joined us on a field trip this year. Please also look out for the field trip permission slip sent home this week in your child's GO Folder and return that ASAP! We are excited!
If you would like to audition for the ILCS End of the Year Talent show, auditions are in Miss Reeve's classroom on Monday, May 16th at 1:00. A packet with more information was sent home in your child's GO Folder on Friday!
Community Service projects are due at the end of this month! Students will be presenting (a short 3-5 minute oral presentation of their project) the week of May 23rd. Please sign up for a presentation date. Sign-up sheet is on my door!
First in Math is a new online math program and our class gets a free trial!! Each student has his or her own specific username and password to log in. Students can sign into the site and play fun math games online. They can earn points and stickers for games they complete and compete against their friends online! In addition to competing against classmates, our class can compete against other classes at Inland Leaders, and our school can compete against other schools in the city, state, and country! This is an awesome program! On Monday, I will be sending home a letter along with each student's username and password. I recommend that you check out some of the games this week in the K-2 World section... there might even be a reward on Friday for the student with the most stickers!!! Check it out..... First In Math
What Are We Learning This Week??:
In reading we will make inferences with tough vocabulary words. We will use our schema and clues from the text to infer the meaning of words we do not understand. In math we will continue to work on Excel sheets at our ability level. We will also learn about regrouping numbers in addition. In writing we will write about the parts of plants, and continue to write fictional stories focusing on a beginning, a middle, and an end.
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